Chapter 2. DB2 server deployment 37
db2cfexp and db2cfimp
The export and import of configuration profile can also be performed from the
command line using the DB2 utilities db2cfexp and db2cfimp. The db2cfexp is
used to do export, while db2cfimp is used to do import.
DB2 Configuration Assistant provides other functionalities besides exporting and
importing a configuration profile. The db2cfexp and db2cfimp commands focus
on connectivity information and a few other associated configurations. The
configuration information that can be exported and imported using the db2cfexp
and db2cfimp commands are:
Database information (including DCS and ODBC information)
Node information
Protocol information
Database manager configuration settings
Registry settings
Common ODBC/CLI settings
The db2cfexp and db2cfimp commands are handy on platforms where the DB2
Configuration Assistant cannot be installed — for example, AIX and other UNIX
platforms, where tools based on the command line are more often utilized.
Table 2-1 shows the three available options for db2cfexp.
Table 2-1 Options for db2cfexp
Option Explanation
TEMPLATE Creates a generic export profile to transfer this configuration to
another workstation. (Includes configuration, catalog, and ODBC
BACKUP Creates a configuration profile of the DB2 database instance for local
backup purposes. This profile contains all of the instance configuration
information, including information of a specific nature relevant only to
this local instance.
MAINTAIN Creates a database export profile to transfer the database catalog
information to another workstation.