Chapter 3. DB2 client deployment 97
3.2.2 Client instance on the DB2 server
If the machine already has a DB2 server product installed, it is not necessary to
install a client because the DB2 server provides all the capability found in an IBM
data server client. You can also create a separate client instance in the machine
that has the DB2 server product installed.
To create a separate client instance, use the db2icrt command with the -s
option, as shown in the following example:
db2icrt -s client <instname>
3.2.3 Reducing the installation image
Despite the small footprint associated with the DB2 Data Server Runtime Client
and the DB2 Data Server Client, you can further reduce the size of the DB2
product installation image on Windows by using the new db2iprune command.
The db2iprune command line utility
The db2iprune command line utility is located in the directory,
\db2\windows\utilites\db2iprune, and consists of an input file and a db2iprune
executable file.
It is available for Windows platforms and has the following syntax:
Db2iprune –r <input file path> -p <root directory path> –o <destination
directory path>
-r <input file path>
Specifies the full path to the input file that is to be used. The input file, or .prn file,
contains a full list of removable components and is used to indicate what features
and languages you would like removed from the installation image.
Note: After deployment, bind the CLI and DB2 utility package using the
following commands:
db2 bind @db2cli.lst blocking all grant public
db2 bind @db2ubind.lst blocking all grant public
Bind has to be done only once from any one client of the same DB2 level. You
do not have to perform bind with every client (of the same DB2 level) to a
server during deployment.