4-6SectionError Log
Word(s) FunctionBit(s)
DM 6652 00 to 15 Transmission delay (0000 to 9999 BCD sets a delay of 0 to 99,990 ms.)
(Any other setting specifies a delay of 0 ms, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
DM 6653
00 to 07 Node number (Host Link)
00 to 31 (BCD)
(Any other setting specifies a node number of 00, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR
08 to 11 Start code selection for no-protocol communications
0: Disables start code; 1: Enables start code in DM 6654
(Any other setting disables the start code, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
12 to 15 End code selection for no-protocol communications
0: Disables end code; 1: Enables end code in DM 6654; 2: Sets end code of CR, LF.
(Any other setting disables the end code, causes a non-fatal error, and turns ON AR 1302.)
DM 6654
00 to 07 Start code (00 to FF)
(This setting is valid only when bits 8 to 11 of DM 6653 are set to 1.)
08 to 15 When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6653 set to 0:
Sets the number of bytes to receive. (00: 256 bytes; 01 to FF: 1 to 255 bytes)
When bits 12 to 15 of DM 6653 set to 1:
Sets the end code. (00 to FF)
Error Log Settings (DM 6655)
The following settings are effective after transfer to the PC.
DM 6655
00 to 03 Style
0: Shift after 7 records have been stored
1: Store only first 7 records (no shifting)
2 to F: Do not store records
04 to 07 Not used.
08 to 11 Cycle time monitor enable
0: Generate a non-fatal error for a cycle time that is too long.
1: Do not generate a non-fatal error.
12 to 15 Low battery error enable
0: Generate a non-fatal error for low battery voltage.
1: Do not generate a non-fatal error.
Low battery error detection is disabled (i.e., set to 1) by default in CPU Boards that do not have a
clock. If the PC Setup is cleared, the setting will changed to 0 and a low battery error will occur.
4-6 Error Log
The error log function registers the error code of any fatal or non-fatal error that
occurs in the PC. The date and time at which the error occurred are registered
along with the error code. The error code is also stored in AR 253.
The error log is stored in DM 2000 through DM 2021. Up to 7 error records can be
DM 2000
Error log pointer
DM 2021
Error log record 1
(3 words used.)
DM 2022
DM 2023
DM 2019
Error log record 7
(3 words used.)
DM 2020
DM 2021
Error classification Error code
Min Sec
Day Hour
Leading word
Leading word + 1
Leading word + 2
Error classification: 00: Non-fatal
80: Fatal
Each stored in
2 digits BCD.
15 8 7 0
Each error log record is configured as follows:
Indicates the number of records stored in the log (0 to 7). A 0 indi-
cates no records.
Note 1. An error record with an error code of 00 will be stored in the error log for pow-
er interruptions. Refer to 7-3 Self-diagnostic Functions for tables listing error