
south in this room over the conveyer belts. Be extra careful not to
off into the sides or touch the enemies (you can kill the jellyfish
afar with the hookshot). Go in the door at the right. Go straight right
through this room and you'll reach some kind of prison. Walk right
through all the locks (they don't require any keys) until you reach
*appears* to be the dungeon's maiden.
Doesn't this seem suspicious to you? This girl will follow you from now
on. Anyway, take the small key from the chest and backtrack to the room
with the long conveyer. This time, go through the locked door at the
left. Quickly whip out your hammer and smash one of the "digletts" into
the floor, then open the big chest to get this dungeon's treasure:
Titan's Mitt. Now quickly get out of the room before you get trapped in
the center. From the long conveyer belt room, go through the door at
upper-right...then go up the stairs to floor B1.
In the full-of-conveyer-belts room, lift the skull pot at the
upper-right corner to reveal a switch. Then step on the switch to open
the door at the right. Go inside.
Go north to a seemingly empty room. There's light shining in the center
because of the hole in the floor you blow open in the above level. Now
let's think for a moment: This is Blind's Hideout, and you just picked
up a mysterious girl from the basement. That girl is Blind the Thief.
And do you remember what the person in the Light World said? "Blind
HATES the light".
Go forward so that the light shines on the girl. She transforms and
reveals her true identity. It's this dungeon's boss: BLIND the THIEF.
See the boss section of this FAQ for details. After you've defeated
get the heart container and the fourth crystal. There are 3 more
crystals to go.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE FIFTH CRYSTAL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Go to the area a little bit south of the Village of Outcasts. You'll
find a frog man trapped in a cage of heavy skulls. Now that you have
Titan's Mitt, you can lift those dark skulls and free the frog. This is
actually the partner of the guy in the Smithy Shop! Talk to him to make
him follow you. Use the Magic Mirror to warp to the Light World, then
to the Smithy Shop for a sweet reunion.
Exit the house and enter again. Talk to one of them and ask him to