Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 6 • Maintenance and Service MMP-16
6. Locate the MOC card cage. Note on its cover that the Output board is identified, as well the pot
associated with each channel.
7. Using a plastic tweaker (supplied with the MMP-16), adjust the Output Ch1 pot to +4 dBu, +/-0.025
dB (=-20 dBFS.)
8. Move the audio analyzer input to the next MMP output channel. Repeat step 7. Continue until all 16
channels are calibrated.
End of the analog output level calibration procedure.
Figure 6-1: Analog Converter cards location within the MMP-16 chassis (top view).
Adding External Drives to the System
Up to five additional SCSI drives can be added to each MMP-16. The drives must be assigned unique
SCSI ID numbers. Two SCSI ID numbers (7 and 0) are already taken by the MMP-16 SCSI controller
card and the removable drive in the internal Kingston carrier of the MMP-16. The external drives should
be added to the system while the MMP-16 is powered down (off).
Output Converter Board 2 (9-16)
Output Converter Board 1 (1-8)