
Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 3 • MMP-16 Operation MMP-16
To move a loaded track from its current Track index position into the selected Track index or to load a
currently unloaded track into the selected Track index, scroll through the list of available tracks until the
desired track is located. The display will indicate your choice of both the selected track to be moved or
loaded, and the destination Track index. Press the STO key to complete the operation and load the track.
Backup State Display
The Backup state is accessed via the Load Track state by choosing (scrolling to) the desired Project and then
pressing SHIFT + SLIP. There are three menu choices that can be displayed, corresponding to three styles of
Backup. Use the Up/Down arrow keys or the Wheel to toggle between the three Backup options. The first Backup
option is a simple Project backup:
01234567890123456789 LCD character positions (left to right)
Begin Backup to: Top: (Operator message)
*Disk X Bottom: (X is the number of the currently selected
Disk volume, press Trim and use the Up/Down
Arrow keys or Wheel to choose other disks)
This option will write out all media files and the EDL to any volume formatted as a WaveFrame disk.
The second Backup option is Tape Mode Convert:
01234567890123456789 LCD character positions (left to right)
TapeMode Convert to: Top: (Operator message)
*Disk X Bottom: (X is the number of the currently selected
Disk volume, press Trim and use the Up/Down
Arrow keys or Wheel to choose other disks)
This option will copy the audio media files as a single continuous audio file per track and will put the EDL (now
containing one media file per track with no other edit information) on the target WaveFrame volume.
The third Backup option is OMF Export:
01234567890123456789 LCD character positions (left to right)
OMF Export to: Top: (Operator message)
*Disk X Bottom: (X is the number of the currently selected
Disk volume, press Trim and use the Up/Down
Arrow keys or Wheel to choose other disks)
This option will write out all media files and the EDL to any Macintosh formatted disk. The audio files will be
converted to Sound Designer II format, and the EDL will be written as an OMF composition referencing the Sound
Designer II media.
Only currently mounted disk volumes will be shown as choices for the target of the backup operation. Press CLR to
cancel the Backup state and return to the Normal state.