MMP-16 Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 2 • Installation
Chapter 2 Installation
This chapter covers the physical installation of the Tascam MMP-16 as either a stand-alone
recording/playback system or as part of a larger, multiple unit digital dubber system. Descriptions are
given of the various connectors on the MMP back panel. Both general installation procedures and specific
application installations are covered.
MMP-16 Materials Kit Box
Before connecting the MMP-16 hardware to your audio system and to your video or film playback
devices, verify that you have all the equipment required to complete the task. The following equipment is
included in the MMP Materials Kit Box:
Rack Ears Kit For rack mount installation, the two rack ears may be attached to the front sides of
the MMP-16 chassis using the six 8-32 x 3/8” Phillips head screws included in the
MMP-16 materials kit. The MMP-16 can be used without the rack ears for desktop
MMR Bus A three-foot sync cable for synchronizing the operation of multiple MMP-
Sync Cable 16’s together via the rear panel MMR bus connectors.
RS422 Cable A 9-pin RS-422 (232) cable for attaching the COM port to a terminal for running
field diagnostics. Also may be used for 9-pin serial connections.
Kingston One Kingston removable drive carrier is included with the system. This
Removable carrier allows drives to be hot-swapped while the system is powered on. It
SCSI Drive is necessary to install a SCSI drive from the list of approved drives into the
Carrier Instructions Kingston carrier before you can playback audio using the carrier with the MMP-16.
The instruction manual for installing drives in the Kingston carrier is in the MMP-
16 materials kit.
AC Power Cord A six-foot (1.83 Meter) IEC AC Mains cordset is included with the MMR-8. The
mains connector for 115 VAC systems is USA standard. A six-foot (1.83 Meter)
AC Mains cordset for use in Europe, proper for the country of use will be supplied
by your TASCAM dealer. Attach the AC connector in accordance with local
Toolkit As a convenience, a small toolkit consisting of a “tweaker” and a small screwdriver
is included in the zip-locked plastic bag in the materials kit. The “tweaker” may be
used for making any necessary adjustments to the analog trim pots on the analog
audio output board.