MMP-16 Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Chapter 3 • MMP-16 Operation
Chapter 3 MMP-16 Operation
MMP-16 Keys & Definitions
Throughout this manual several abbreviations and written shortcuts are used to define user operations and
machine functions. The following summarizes how these abbreviations and text shortcuts relate to the
operational description:
Keys Refers to the colored front panel keys on the MMP-16. The gray keys are used to
enter time code numbers (on the numeric keys) and to perform various other
common functions. The shift key is the only yellow key. Key use in the text is
indicated through capitalizing the key legends (e.g., LOAD TRACK indicates the
Load Track key is to be pressed).
Shift Key This key, the only yellow key on the front panel, functions like the shift key on a
computer keyboard. Located at the top-right corner of the numeric keypad area,
shift works in combination with selected gray keys, enabling their shifted
functions. The shifted function for each applicable gray key is written above the
key on the front panel metal. Press and release the shift key before pressing any
other key, to “latch” the shift key until the desired key is pressed. This will light the
shift LED above the SHIFT key. Pressing another key while the shift LED is on
will cause that key to execute its shifted function. Once the shifted function has
been activated, the shift LED will go off and the system will return to the normal
non-shifted state. If multiple shifted keystrokes are required, you may also press
and hold SHIFT (the shift LED above the key will stay on) while pressing one or
more gray keys in succession.
In the text “SHIFT+X” indicates the Shift key is used in combination with one of
the gray keys (X) that has a shifted function. Thus, SHIFT+TRIM means “press
and release (or press and hold) the SHIFT key and then press the TRIM key.” In
this case, the MMP-16 will enter Dynamic Trim mode since the shifted function for
the TRIM key is “Dynamic Trim” (which is indicated above the key). To cancel
shift, when the shift LED indicator is on, press SHIFT again, or press CLR.
Text Above Keys Indicates the “shifted function” for that key. Pressing SHIFT+ key, as detailed
above, accesses the shifted function.
Reversed Text
Above Keys Indicates the “alternate” function for the JOG and SHTL keys, and for the STO,
RCL and CLR keys. The alternate functions are used in Setup, Track, Verify, and
Error modes, and while trimming values. In Normal mode, the key functions are
normal (i.e., pressing JOG turns the Wheel into a Jog Wheel). In Setup or Track
modes, pressing JOG indicates a left-arrow function as a cursor or window
movement tool.