
Tascam MMP-16 Owner’s Manual • Appendix E • Glossary
and Terms Definitions
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. The twenty character by two line display used on the
MMP-16 to display time code, Setup Menus, or machine status.
LED Light Emitting Diode. Front panel indicators used to identify machine or key status.
Local When the MMP-16 is Off-line it is said to be in local mode.
Locate Jumps the MMP-16 (and any controlled machines) to a new time code location
using the LOC key and one of the registers or memories.
Loop Plays the project between the In and Out time code points according to the
Loop Mode setting selected in Setup Menu 110.
LTC Longitudinal Time Code. Time code that is recorded on audio tape or using one
of the audio tracks or the control track on videotape.
Lynx TimeLine’s machine controller interface bus that is compatible with the MMP-
16, Lynx-2 Interface, the KCU, and Micro Lynx controllers.
Lynx Master The Lynx device that is the master for the Lynx bus. If one or more MMP-16s
are tied to the Lynx bus only one can be the master on the Lynx bus.
Lynx Sync The Lynx bus frame clock.
Machine Any audio, video or film playback device.
Remote control commands for positional control and operational control of a
device. In the case of the MMP-16, machine control commands can come from
the MIDI input, the Lynx or MMR buses, the Editor input or the parallel remote
Master The device that is in positional control of one or more slave devices.
MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface. A serial data connection originally used
to communicate key and voice parameters between music synthesizers. The
MMP-16 will respond to MMC (MIDI Machine Commands) but will ignore
any other signals transmitted on the MIDI bus.
MMR Bus An asynchronous bus that ties multiple MMP-16s together to relay motion
control commands and timing references from the master machine to the slave
machines. The MMR bus supports up to four Sync Groups with their own
timing references and motion control commands.
MMR Master The MMP-16 that is in control of a particular Sync Group on the MMR bus.
Mixdown The process of bringing together the multiple tracks of dialogue, FX, Foley,
and music to create a finished soundtrack for a film or video production.