Chapter 3 - Setting Defaults
Min x Parties Available only when the Meet Me Per Conf. and
Auto Add options are checked. It lets you reserve
resources for the specified number of dial-in
participants. This number includes the defined and
undefined participants. Additional participants
(defined and undefined) will be able to connect to
the conference as long as there are available
resources or the Max Parties limit is met.
Max Parties This option is used to control the number of
participants that can connect to a conference.
Select the maximum number of participants that
can automatically connect to the conference. If you
select Auto, the number of participants that can
connect to the conference is limited only by the
availability of the MCU resources and the
maximum number of participants per conference.
This option is useful in “Meet Me Per Conference”
with “Auto Add” participants.
Meeting Rooms Select this option to set the reservation as a
Meeting Room.
This option is enabled when the Meeting Room
option is selected. Select this check box to limit the
number of times the Meeting Room will be
activated. When the check box is cleared, the
conference will remain in “sleep mode” indefinitely,
and can always be activated. When this option is
selected, select the number of times the Meeting
Room can be activated. Entering 2 means that the
Meeting Room may be activated twice, but it will
remain passive during the period of inactivity.
Table 3-2: Reservation Defaults - Settings2 Parameters (Continued)
Option Description