
MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
Labels – Used to define labels. The labels may be assigned to
conferences and participants, mainly for sorting purposes. Only users
with the permission to configure the database may manage the Labels
MCUs – Enables the definition of MCUs that handle the multipoint
video conferencing. Only users with the permission to configure the
database may manage the MCUs list.
Permissions – Used to define the access rights to various modules of the
MGC WebCommander and the MGC Web Server Manager applications
and perform various tasks. Only users with the permission to configure
the database may define or modify Permissions.
Users – Enables the definition of the MGC WebCommander and the
MGC Web Server Manager users. Each user is assigned the appropriate
permissions, which defines his/her access rights to the system functions.
The User definition is also used for Ad Hoc conferencing when the
WebCommander is used as the external database for conference creation
and conference access authentication. In addition it enables you to assign
access rights to the various groups defined in the Groups table. Only
users with the permission to configure the database may manage the
Users table.
Groups – Enables the definition of groups to which users are assigned.
The conference templates and participant templates are also assigned to a
Group and can be viewed, modified, deleted or used to start a conference
only by users who have access rights to that Group. The Groups enhance
the system security, giving the user access only to data that s/he is
allowed to view.
Personal Scheduler Templates - Enables the definition of Personal
Scheduler Reservation Templates which are used by users of the MGC
Personal Scheduler application. The MGC Personal Scheduler
application is a plug-in to Microsoft Outlook, enabling users to schedule,
via Microsoft Outlook, conferences on the MCU in the same manner as
scheduling regular meetings.