
MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
the Participant Properties in the MGC Manager application or the
WebCommander Web site.
If a user with this PIN code is found, but the conference numeric ID
is not identical to the numeric ID defined for the User, the
participant enters the conference as an identified standard
participant; the participant name, VIP state and Participant
Information (corresponding to the User Defined 1 field in the
Participant Properties definition) are taken from the Users table.
If the participant has entered the correct conference Entry Password
instead of his/her personal PIN Code, the participant cannot be
found in the database but he/she is allowed to enter the conference;
the participant enters the conference as an undefined participant.
If the participant enters the wrong conference password or the PIN
code does not exist in the database, the participant is either moved to
the Participants Queue for Operator’s assistance (MGC Manager
application), or is disconnected from the conference.
Figure 5-2: Ad Hoc Conferencing with Conference Numeric ID and Conference
Entry Password Authentication
This workflow works after the same components as for the Ad Hoc
Conferencing using WebCommander Server as the External Database
Application for Conference Initiation Authentication workflow are defined in
the system with the following additions are implemented:
The IVR Service assigned to the destination conference must be
configured to check the external database server for the Conference
Entry Password for each participant connecting to the conference. If the