
Appendix B: Monitoring a
Conference in the WebCommander
using a URL or Form
In version 6.0, a single conference can be monitored from any browser
based application by entering the URL that includes the user login name and
password to the WebCommander site. In this mode, the user name and
password were not secured and appeared in the recent URL.
In version 7.5 & 8.0, the user name and password can be sent separately,
using the HTTP Form method, hence increasing the connection security.
You can open a monitoring window of a single conference in any Web-based
application by adding the conference URL to that application.
The conference URL must include the appropriate variables to allow
connection to the WebCommander site and identify the conference on the
appropriate MCU. The WebCommander user name and user password can
be sent as part of the URL itself or send them separately using the HTTP
Form method.
Optional Parameter Scenario Description
1. When the user name (Param2) and password (Param3) are sent in the
URL (see Table B-1 on page B-2 for parameter descriptions):
a. In the Web Server Manager, Permissions - Settings2 tab, if the
user’s permission "Always prompt for conference password" check
box is selected and the correct conference entry password is sent as
part of the URL, the user is granted access to the conference.
Although the WebCommander login name and password are hidden, they are sent as
plain text and they can still be detected by a network sniffer. To secure the connection,
it is recommended to use the SSL authentication and data encryption layer.