
Chapter 5 - Administrator’s Tasks
Users are assigned access rights to specific Groups. The users can add or
modify only Participant templates and/or Conference templates that are
assigned to Groups to which they have access rights.
One user may be assigned to many Groups and one Group may be assigned
many users.
New Conference and Participant templates are created within the selected
Group and they are automatically assigned to that Group. Although the
Participants table and the Conference table are separate entities, they are both
organized by the same Group hierarchy.
Only users with permission to configure the database can define the Groups
hierarchy and the access rights of users to the various groups in the MGC
Web Server Manager.
Defining a New Group
To define a new Group:
1. Login to the MGC Web Server Manager and list the Database categories.
2. Expand the Groups tree by clicking the plus [+] icon next to the Groups
3. If the list already includes several groups, expand the tree until the group
to which you wish to add a sub-group is seen.