MGC Web Server Manager User’s Guide
From the MGC WebCommander application, users with the appropriate
permissions may:
• Add new conference templates to the Default Group
• Modify the system Default conference templates
New Private Groups
The Web Server Manager application can be configured to automatically add
a new group for users who have been automatically added to the
WebCommander Users table of the database. The new Group can be used by
the user as a private address book to which personal contacts can be added.
Users can be automatically added to the WebCommander Users table when:
• The user accesses the WebCommander application pages from the Web
Portal. If the user has the right to access the WebCommander application
pages, the user is automatically added to the WebCommander Users table
and his or her properties are imported from a table also shared by the
Web Portal.
• The user accesses the WebCommander database for the first time, using
Windows login name and password. At the end of the authentication
process, a new user is created in the User table of the WebCommander
database, copying the parameters from the User table of the SQL Server.
The name of new private group that is created is taken from the user name.
The Read/Write permissions to the new Group are identical to those defined
for the Default User.
To automatically add private groups:
1. From the Web Server Manager Options menu, click WebConfiguration.