Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Table 38: LS_RJT reason code explanations
17.3.3 Port Login (PLOGI)
PLOGI is used by the Initiator to register Service Parameters with the Target if Implicit Login is not being used (see 19.10.12,
“Mode Page 19h (Fibre Channel Port Control Page)” on page 190). The Target responds with an LS_ACC that has a payload
similar to the PLOGI but which contains the Targets parameters. This exchange of parameters establishes the operating envi-
ronment between the Initiator and the Target.
PLOGI can also be issued by the Target when it is operating as a Public Loop Device. In this case, the Target uses a PLOGI to
establish the operating environment between it and the Fabric Name Server.
Bytes 1, 2, and 3, of the payload must be set to zeros. Otherwise, the drive will respond with an LS_RJT containing a reason
code of “Command not supported”, and a reason code explanation of 00h “No additional explanation”.
Code Description
00h No additional explanation
01h Service Parm error - Options
03h Service Parm error - Initiator Ctl
05h Service Parm error - Recipient Ctl
07h Service Parm error - Rec Data Field Size
09h Service Parm error - Concurrent Seq
0Bh Service Parm error - Credit
0Dh Invalid Port Name
0Eh Invalid Node/Fabric Name
0Fh Invalid Common Service Parameters
19h Command (request) already in progress
1Fh Invalid N_Port identifier
29h Insufficient resources to support Login
2Ah Unable to supply requested data
2Ch Request not supported
Note: Refer to FC-PH for a full list. Only the explanations relevant to supported Extended Link Services are shown.