Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
19.13.2 Type
The Type field specifies the characteristics of the persistent reservation being established for all customer data sectors.
Thetable below describes the supported types and how read and write commands are handled for each reservation type.
Code Name Description
0h Reserved Reserved
1h Write Exclusive
Reads Shared: Any initiator may execute commands
that transfer from the media. Writes Exclusive: Only
the initiator with the reservation may execute com-
mands that transfer data to the media; Reservation
Conflict status will be returned to other initiators.
2h Reserved Reserved
3h Exclusive Access
Reads Exclusive: Only the initiator with the reserva-
tion may execute commands that transfer data from the
media; Reservation Conflict status will be returned to
other initiators.
Writes Exclusive: Only the initator with the reserva-
tion may execute commands that transfer data to the
media; Reservation Conflict status will be returned to
other initators.
4h Reserved Reserved
Write Exclusive
Registrants Only
Reads Shard: Any initiator may execute commands
that transfer from media.
Writes Exclusive: Only registered initiators may exe-
cute commands that transfer data to the media; Reser-
vation Conflict status will be returned to other
Exclusive Access
Registrants Only
Reads Exclusive: Only registered initiators may exe-
cute commands that transfer data from the media; Res-
ervation Conflict status will be returned to other
Writes Exclusive: Only registered initiators may exe-
cute commands that transfer data to the media; Reser-
vation Conflict status will be returned to other
7h-Fh Reserved Reserved