Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
22.2.9 RU: Field Replaceable Unit (Byte 14)
The FRU (Field Replaceable Unit) field value will always be zero.
22.2.10 Sense Key Specific (Byte 15 through 17)
The definition of this field is determined by the value of the sense key field. Sense Key Specific - Illegal Request (Sense Key = 5h)
Error field pointer is returned.
Table 266:
Field Pointer Bytes
SKSV Sense-key specific valid
0 Sense-key specific field is not valid.
1 Sense-key specific field is valid.
C/D Command/Data
0 Indicates that the illegal parameter was in the data parameters sent by the initiator during DATA
OUT phase
1 Indicates that the illegal parameter was in the command descriptor block.
BPV Bit Pointer Valid
0 Bit pointer field is not valid.
1 Bit pointer field is significant.
Bit Pointer Indicates which bit of the byte number reported in Field Pointer is the bit in error. When a multiple bit field
is in error, the pointer points to the most significant bit of the field.
Field Pointer Indicates which bytes of the command descriptor block or of the parameter data were in error. Bytes are
numbered starting from zero, as shown in the tables describing the commands and parameters. When a mul-
tiple byte field id is in error, the pointer points to the most significant byte of that field.
15 SKSV C/D Reserved BPV Bit Pointer
(MSB) Field Pointer