
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
17.3.14 Third Party Process Logout (TPRLO)
The TPRLO request is used to invalidate the operating environments between the specified image(s) at the recipient N_Port
(i.e., the drive). These image pairs being invalidated are assumed to have been previously established with a Process Login
(PRLI). The originator establishing the process image (with the PRLI ELS) can itself terminate the image with a Process Log-
out (i.e. PRLO) ELS. An originator can terminate the process pair established between another third party originator and the
recipient (i.e. the drive) using TPRLO. TPRLO has the same effect as if the third party originator performed PRLO. Upon exe-
cution of a valid TPRLO ELS, the drive will set all tasks, reservations, mode page parameters, and status for the specified
image pairs to the state they would have after a SCSI device reset or power-on reset.
Table 69: TPRLO payload
Table 70: TPRLO ACC payload Third Party Process Logout Service Parameter page
Table 71: Logout Service Parameter page
The TYPE Code field for SCSI-FCP is 08h, and the TYPE Code Extension field is 00h.
Byte Item Size (Bytes)
0 Command Code = 24h 1
1 Page Length = 10h 1
2-3 Payload Length = 14h 2
4-max Logout service parameter pages n*16
Byte Item Size (Bytes)
0 ACC Cmd Code = 02h 1
1 Page Length = 10h 1
2-3 Payload Length = 14h 2
4-max Logout service parameter response pages n*16
Byte Item Size (Bytes)
0 TYPE Code = 08h 1
1 TYPE Code Extension = 00h 1
2-3 Flags 2
4-7 Third Party Originator Process Associator 4
8-11 Responder Process Associator 4
12 Reserved 1
13-15 Third Party Originator N_Port ID 3