Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Table 223: SEND DIAGNOSTIC Function Code (1D)
• DevOfl is ignored by the Target for compatibility.
• UntOfl is ignored by the Target for compatibility.
• Parameter List Length must be 0 when the SlfTst bit is one. Otherwise, Check Condition status will be generated
with a sense key of Illegal Request and additional sense of Invalid Field in CDB. If the SlfTst bit is zero, it should be
set to the length of the page to be transferred in the DATA OUT phase of the command. If it does not match the
expected length of the page a Check Condition status will be also generated with a sense key of Illegal Request and
additional sense of Invalid Field in CDB.
If the motor is not running at the correct speed when the command is received, it is rejected by a Check Condition status with
a Not Ready sense key.
If a fault is detected during the default or foreground self-test, a Check Condition is reported as an end status. If a fault is
detected during the background self-test, it is logged in the log page for later retrieval by a LOG SENSE command.
See Section Diagnostics*, page 333 for a detailed listing of operations carried out by the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command and
Power on Diagnostics.
Value Function name Description
000b NA
Value to be used when the SlfTst bit is set to one or if the
SEND DIAGNOSTIC command is not invoking one of the
other self-test function codes.
001b Background Short self-test
The device server starts its short self-test routine in back-
ground mode.
010b Background extended self-test
The device server starts its extended self-test routine in
background mode.
011b NA Reserved.
100b Abort background self-test
Abort the current self-test in the background mode. This
value is only valid if a previous SEND DIAGNOSTIC com-
mand specified a background self-test function and that
function has not been completed.
101b Foreground short self-test
The device server starts its short self-test routine in the fore-
ground mode. This self-test will complete in two minutes or
110b Foreground extended self-test
The device server starts its extended self-test routine in the
foreground mode .The completion time for this test is
reported in Mode Page 0Ah (refer to Mode Page 0A (Con-
trol Mode Page Parameters)*, page 186).
111b Reserved.