
Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Response Data Format is set to two to indicate that the INQUIRY Data Format as specified in the ANSI SCSI version 2
is supported by the Target.
Additional Length indicates the number of bytes of INQUIRY information that follows.
SCCS bit of zero indicates that the device does not contain an embedded storage array controller component.
ACC bit of zero indicates that no access controls coordinator may be addressed through this logical unit.
ALUA bit of zero indicates that the device does not support asymmetric logical unit access.
3PC bit of zero indicates that the device does not support thrid-party copy commands.
Protect bit of one indicates that the drive supports protection information
BQue bit shall be zero if the CmdQue bit is one.
EncSer (Enclosure Services) bit of 0 indicates that the Target does not contain an embedded enclosure services compo-
Port bit of 0 indicates that the drive received the Inquiry command on port A, while a Port bit of 1 indicates that the drive
received the Inquiry command on port B.
MultiP (MultiPort) bit of 1 indicates that the Target has multiple ports and implements multi-port requirements.
MChngr (Medium Changer) bit is always 0 to indicate MChngr is not supported.
Addr16 (Wide SCSI Address 16) bit of 0 indicates that the Target does not support 16-bit wide SCSI Addresses.
Wb_16 is set to zero to indicate that the Target does not support 16-bit wide data transfers.
Sync is set to zero to indicate that the Target does not support synchronous data transfer.
Link is set to zero to indicate that the Target does not support linked commands.
CmdQue is set to one to indicate that the drive supports command queuing.
Vendor ID is HITACHI padded with ASCII blanks.
Product ID is specified in table 3 of Section 4.3.1.
Product Revision Level indicates the level of microcode.
Unit Serial Number contains the drive serial number.
Hard Assigned ALPA contains the hard Abritrated Loop Physical Address of the port which received the Inquiry com-
Acquired ALPA contains the Arbitrated Loop Physical Address acquired by the port which received the Inquiry com-