Hitachi Ultrastar 15K450 (FC-AL) Hard Disk Drive Specification
• Response Data Format is set to two to indicate that the INQUIRY Data Format as specified in the ANSI SCSI version 2
is supported by the Target.
• Additional Length indicates the number of bytes of INQUIRY information that follows.
• SCCS bit of zero indicates that the device does not contain an embedded storage array controller component.
• ACC bit of zero indicates that no access controls coordinator may be addressed through this logical unit.
• ALUA bit of zero indicates that the device does not support asymmetric logical unit access.
• 3PC bit of zero indicates that the device does not support thrid-party copy commands.
• Protect bit of one indicates that the drive supports protection information
• BQue bit shall be zero if the CmdQue bit is one.
• EncSer (Enclosure Services) bit of 0 indicates that the Target does not contain an embedded enclosure services compo-
•Port bit of 0 indicates that the drive received the Inquiry command on port A, while a Port bit of 1 indicates that the drive
received the Inquiry command on port B.
• MultiP (MultiPort) bit of 1 indicates that the Target has multiple ports and implements multi-port requirements.
• MChngr (Medium Changer) bit is always 0 to indicate MChngr is not supported.
• Addr16 (Wide SCSI Address 16) bit of 0 indicates that the Target does not support 16-bit wide SCSI Addresses.
• Wb_16 is set to zero to indicate that the Target does not support 16-bit wide data transfers.
• Sync is set to zero to indicate that the Target does not support synchronous data transfer.
• Link is set to zero to indicate that the Target does not support linked commands.
• CmdQue is set to one to indicate that the drive supports command queuing.
• Vendor ID is HITACHI padded with ASCII blanks.
• Product ID is specified in table 3 of Section 4.3.1.
• Product Revision Level indicates the level of microcode.
• Unit Serial Number contains the drive serial number.
• Hard Assigned ALPA contains the hard Abritrated Loop Physical Address of the port which received the Inquiry com-
•Acquired ALPA contains the Arbitrated Loop Physical Address acquired by the port which received the Inquiry com-