98 Administering disks
Adding a disk to VxVM
disks available for use as replacement disks.
More than one disk or pattern may be entered at the prompt.
Here are some disk selection examples:
all: all disks
c3 c4t2: all disks on both controller 3 and controller 4,
target 2
c3t4d2: a single disk (in the c#t#d# naming scheme)
xyz_0: a single disk (in the enclosure based naming scheme)
xyz_: all disks on the enclosure whose name is xyz
disk#: a single disk (in the new naming scheme)
Select disk devices to add:
<pattern-list> can be a single disk, or a series of disks and/or controllers
(with optional targets). If <pattern-list> consists of multiple items, separate
them using white space, for example:
c3t0d0 c3t1d0 c3t2d0 c3t3d0
specifies fours disks at separate target IDs on controller 3.
If you enter list at the prompt, the vxdiskadm program displays a list of
the disks available to the system:
c2t4d0 - - LVM
c2t5d0 - - LVM
c2t6d0 - - LVM
c3t0d0 mydg01 mydg online
c3t1d0 mydg03 mydg online
c3t2d0 mydg04 mydg online
c3t3d0 mydg05 mydg online
c3t8d0 mydg06 mydg online
c3t9d0 mydg07 mydg online
c3t10d0 mydg02 mydg online
c4t1d0 mydg08 mydg online
c4t2d0 TCd1-18238 TCg1-18238 online
c4t13d0 - - online invalid
c4t14d0 - - online
Select disk devices to add:
The phrase online invalid in the STATUS line indicates that a disk has
yet to be added or initialized for VxVM control. Disks that are listed as
online with a disk name and disk group are already under VxVM control.
Enter the device name or pattern of the disks that you want to initialize at
the prompt and press Return.