308 Administering volume snapshots
Full-sized instant snapshots
volume are updated, its original contents are gradually relocated to the
snapshot volume.
If desired, you can additionally select to perform either a background (non-
blocking) or foreground (blocking) synchronization of the snapshot volume.
This is useful if you intend to move the snapshot volume into a separate disk
group for off-host processing, or you want to use the
vxsnap dis or vxsnap
split commands to turn the snapshot volume into an independent volume.
vxsnap refresh command allows you to update the data in a snapshot each
time that you make a backup.
The command, vxsnap reattach, can be used to attach snapshot plexes to the
original volume, and to resynchronize the data in these plexes from the original
volume. Alternatively, you can use the
vxsnap restore command to restore the
contents of the original volume from a snapshot that you took at an earlier point
in time. You can also choose whether or not to keep the snapshot volume after
restoration of the original volume is complete. See “Restoring the original
volume from a snapshot” on page 317 for more information.
By default, the FastResync feature of VxVM is used to minimize the time needed
to resynchronize the data in the snapshot mirror. If FastResync is not enabled, a
full resynchronization of the data is required. For details, see “FastResync” on
page 66.
See “Creating and managing full-sized instant snapshots” on page 327 for
details of the procedures for creating and using this type of snapshot.
For information about how to prepare an empty volume for use by full-sized
instant snapshots, see “Creating a volume for use as a full-sized instant or
linked break-off snapshot” on page 323.