507Commands summary
Online manual pages
Online manual pages
Manual pages are organized into three sections:
■ Section 1M — administrative commands
■ Section 4 — file formats
■ Section 7 — device driver interfaces
Section 1M — administrative commands
Manual pages in section 1M describe commands that are used to administer
Veritas Volume Manager.
Table A-9 Section 1M manual pages
Name Description
dgcfgbackup Create or update VxVM volume group configuration backup file.
dgcfgdaemon Start the VxVM configuration backup daemon.
dgcfgrestore Display or restore VxVM disk group configuration from backup.
vgrestore Restore a VxVM disk group back to an LVM volume group.
vx_emerg_start Start Veritas Volume Manager from recovery media.
vxassist Create, relayout, convert, mirror, backup, grow, shrink, delete,
and move volumes.
vxbootsetup Set up system boot information on a Veritas Volume Manager
vxbrk_rootmir Break off a mirror of a VxVM root disk to create a separate root
disk generation.
vxcache Administer the cache object for space-optimized snapshots.
vxcached Resize cache volumes when required.
vxcdsconvert Make disks and disk groups portable between systems.
vxchg_rootid Set up VxVM root disk that has been cloned or copied from
another operational VxVM root disk.
vxclustadm Start, stop, and reconfigure a cluster.
vxcmdlog Administer command logging.
vxconfigbackup Back up disk group configuration.
vxconfigbackupd Disk group configuration backup daemon.