291Administering volumes
Moving volumes from a VM disk
To move volumes from a disk
1 Select menu item 6 (Move volumes from a disk) from the
vxdiskadm main menu.
2 At the following prompt, enter the disk name of the disk whose volumes you
wish to move, as follows:
Move volumes from a disk
Menu: VolumeManager/Disk/Evacuate
Use this menu operation to move any volumes that are using a
disk onto other disks. Use this menu immediately prior to
removing a disk, either permanently or for replacement. You
can specify a list of disks to move volumes onto, or you can
move the volumes to any available disk space in the same disk
NOTE: Simply moving volumes off of a disk, without also
removing the disk, does not prevent volumes from being moved
onto the disk by future operations. For example, using two
consecutive move operations may move volumes from the
second disk to the first.
Enter disk name [<disk>,list,q,?] mydg01
You can now optionally specify a list of disks to which the volume(s) should
be moved:
VxVM INFO V-5-2-516 You can now specify a list of disks to move
onto. Specify a list of disk media names (e.g., mydg01) all on
one line separated by blanks. If you do not enter any disk
media names, then the volumes will be moved to any available
space in the disk group.
At the prompt, press Return to move the volumes onto available space in
the disk group, or specify the disks in the disk group that should be used:
Enter disks [<disk ...>,list]
VxVM NOTICE V-5-2-283 Requested operation is to move all
volumes from disk mydg01 in group mydg.
NOTE: This operation can take a long time to complete.
Continue with operation? [y,n,q,?] (default: y)
As the volumes are moved from the disk, the vxdiskadm program displays
the status of the operation:
VxVM vxevac INFO V-5-2-24 Move volume voltest ...
When the volumes have all been moved, the vxdiskadm program displays
the following success message:
VxVM INFO V-5-2-188 Evacuation of disk mydg02 is complete.
3 At the following prompt, indicate whether you want to move volumes from
another disk (y) or return to the vxdiskadm main menu (n):
Move volumes from another disk? [y,n,q,?] (default: n)