456 Using Storage Expert
Rule definitions and attributes
Rule definitions and attributes
You can use the info keyword to show a description of a rule.
See “Discovering what a rule does” on page 447.
Table 15-1 lists the available rule definitions, and rule attributes and their
default values.
Table 15-1 Rule definitions in Storage Expert
Rule Description
vxse_dc_failures Checks and points out failed disks and disabled controllers.
vxse_dg1 Checks for disk group configurations in which the disk group has
become too large.
vxse_dg2 Checks for disk group configurations in which the disk group has too
many or too few disk group configuration copies, and if the disk
group has too many or too few disk group log copies.
vxse_dg3 Checks disk group configurations to verify that the disk group has
the correct “on disk config” size.
vxse_dg4 Checks for disk groups that do not have a current version number,
and which may need to be upgraded.
vxse_dg5 Checks for disk groups in which there is only one VxVM configured
vxse_dg6 Checks for disk groups that are seen, but which are not imported.
vxse_disk Checks for disks that are initialized, but are not part of any disk
vxse_disklog Checks for physical disks that have more than one RAID-5 log.
vxse_drl1 Checks for large mirror volumes that do not have an associated DRL
vxse_drl2 Checks for large mirror volumes that do not have DRL log that is
vxse_host Checks that the system “hostname” in the /etc/vx/volboot file
matches the hostname that was assigned to the system when it was
vxse_mirstripe Checks for large mirror-striped volumes that should be
vxse_raid5 Checks for RAID-5 volumes that are too narrow or too wide.