use with snapshots 66
fastresync attribute 251, 252, 293
file systems
growing using vxresize 285
shrinking using vxresize 285
unmounting 290
fire drill
defined 432
testing 440
upgrading 154
FMR. See FastResync
foreign devices
adding 89
formatting disks 96
free space in disk groups 384
fullinst snapshot type 343
full-sized instant snapshots 307
creating 327
creating volumes for use as 323
GAB 410
global detach policy 405
Group Membership and Atomic Broadcast
(GAB) 410
DRL 515
mirroring 514
RAID-5 516
hasdcolog attribute 293
HFS file systems
resizing 285
highwatermark attribute 322
host failures 442
checking 455
complete failure messages 384
configuration summary 385
daemon 380
defined 75
detecting disk failure 380
detecting plex failure 380
detecting RAID-5 subdisk failure 380
excluding free space on disks from use by 388
limitations 381
making free space on disks available for use
by 389
marking disks as spare 387
modifying behavior of 395
notifying users other than root 395
operation of 379
partial failure messages 383
preventing from running 395
reducing performance impact of recovery 395
removing disks from spare pool 388
Storage Expert rules 454
subdisk relocation 385
subdisk relocation messages 390
unrelocating subdisks 390
unrelocating subdisks using vxassist 392
unrelocating subdisks using vxdiskadm 391
unrelocating subdisks using vxunreloc 392
use of free space in disk groups 384
use of spare disks 384
use of spare disks and free space 384
using only spare disks for 390
vxrelocd 380
HP disk format 81
hpdisk format 81
HP-UX multipathing 77
gathering statistics for DMP 144
kernel threads 19
scheduling on secondary paths 151
throttling 128
use of statistics in performance tuning 469
using traces for performance tuning 472
I/O operations
maximum size of 480
I/O policy
displaying 147
example 151
specifying 147
I/O throttling 157
identifiers for tasks 267
idle LUNs 477
implicit failover mode 125
init attribute 260
default attributes 97
of disks 90, 97