Debug/Syslog Operation
To display a list of valid values for each command, enter logging severity
or logging system-module followed by ? or pressing the Tab key.
The severity levels in order from the highest to lowest severity are: major,
error, warning, info, debug. For a list of valid values for the logging system-
module <system-module > command, refer to Table C-1 on page C-23.
5. If you configure system-module and/or severity-level values to filter Event
Log messages, when you finish troubleshooting, you may want to reset
these values to their default settings so that the switch sends all Event Log
messages to configured debug destinations (Syslog servers and/or CLI
To remove a configured setting and restore the default values that send
all Event Log messages, enter one or both of the following commands:
ProCurve(config)# no logging severity < debug | major | error | warning | info>
ProCurve(config)# no logging system-module < system-module >
If you configure a severity-level, system-module, logging destination, or
logging facility value and save the settings to the startup configuration (for
example, by entering the write memory command), the debug settings are
saved after a system reboot (power cycle or reboot) and re-activated on the
switch. As a result, after switch startup, one of the following situations may
■ Only a partial set of Event Log messages may be sent to configured debug
■ Messages may be sent to a previously configured Syslog server used in an
earlier debugging session.
Displaying a Debug/Syslog Configuration
Use the show debug command to display the currently configured settings for:
■ Debug message types and Event Log message filters (severity level and
system module) sent to debug destinations
■ Debug destinations (Syslog servers or CLI session) and Syslog server
facility to be used
Syntax: show debug
Displays the currently configured debug logging destinations
and message types selected for debugging purposes. (If no
Syslog server address is configured with the logging
> command, no show debug command output is displayed.)