Configuring for Network Management Applications
LLDP (Link-Layer Discovery Protocol)
delay interval delays the port’s ability to reinitialize and generate LLDP traffic
following an LLDP disable/enable cycle.
Syntax setmib lldpReinitDelay.0 -i < 1 - 10 >
Uses setmib to change the minimum time (reinitialization
delay interval) an LLDP port will wait before reinitializing
after receiving an LLDP disable command followed closely by
a txonly or tx_rx command. The delay interval commences
with execution of the lldp admin-status < port-list > disable
command. (Default: 2 seconds; Range: 1 - 10 seconds)
For example, the following command changes the reinitialization delay
interval to five seconds:
ProCurve(config)# setmib lldpreinitdelay.0 -i 5
Configuring SNMP Notification Support
You can enable SNMP trap notification of LLDP data changes detected on
advertisements received from neighbor devices, and control the interval
between successive notifications of data changes on the same neighbor.
Enabling LLDP Data Change Notification for SNMP Trap Receivers.
Syntax [ no ] lldp enable-notification < port-list >
Enables or disables each port in < port-list > for sending
notification to configured SNMP trap receiver(s) if an LLDP
data change is detected in an advertisement received on the
port from an LLDP neighbor. (Default: Disabled)
For information on configuring trap receivers in the switch,
refer to “SNMP Notifications” on page 13-17.
For example, this command enables SNMP notification on ports 1 - 5:
ProCurve(config)# lldp enable-notification 1-5