
Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems
ip IP addressing: Configures the switch with an IP address and
subnet mask to communicate on the network and support
remote management access; configures multiple IP
addresses on a VLAN.
Management and Configuration Guide
iplock IP Lockdown: Prevents IP source address spoofing on a per-
port and per-VLAN basis by forwarding only the IP packets in
VLAN traffic that contain a known source IP address and MAC
address binding for the port.
Access Security Guide
ipx Novell Netware protocol filtering: On the basis of protocol
type, the switch can forward or drop traffic to a specific set of
destination ports on the switch.
Access Security Guide
lacp LACP trunks: The switch can either automatically establish an
802.3ad-compliant trunk group or provide a manually
configured, static LACP trunk.
Management and Configuration Guide
ldbal Load balancing in LACP port trunks or 802.1s Multiple
Spanning Tree protocol (MSTP) that uses VLANs in a network
to improve network resource utilization and maintain a loop-
free environment.
Management and Configuration Guide
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
lldp Link-Layer Discovery Protocol: Supports transmitting LLDP
packets to neighbor devices and reading LLDP packets
received from neighbor devices, enabling a switch to
advertise itself to adjacent devices and to learn about
adjacent LLDP devices.
Management and Configuration Guide
macauth Web and MAC authentication: Port-based security employed
on the network edge to protect private networks and the
switch itself from unauthorized access using one of the
following interfaces:
Web page login to authenticate users for access to the
RADIUS server that uses a device’s MAC address for
Access Security Guide
maclock MAC lockdown and MAC lockout
MAC lockdown prevents station movement and MAC
address “hijacking” by requiring a MAC address to be used
only an assigned port on the switch. MAC Lockdown also
restricts the client device to a specific VLAN.
MAC lockout blocks a specific MAC address so that the
switch drops all traffic to or from the specified address.
Access Security Guide
mgr ProCurve Manager (PCM) and ProCurve Manager Plus
(PCM+): Windows-based network management solutions for
managing and monitoring performance of ProCurve devices.
PCM messages also include events for configuration
Management and Configuration Guide
Documented in ProCurve Hardware/
Software guide