Port Status and Configuration
Viewing Port Status and Configuring Port Parameters
The mode is the port’s speed and duplex (date transfer operation) setting.
Table 10-1 shows possible modes available, depending on the port type
(copper or fiber) and port speed.
Table 10-1. Supported Modes
Mode Speed and Duplex Settings
Auto-MDIX Senses speed and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for port
operation (MDI-X or MDI). To see what the switch negotiates for the Auto
setting, use the CLI show interfaces brief command or the menu commands “1.
Status and Counters”, “3. Port Status”.
This features applies only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper
Ethernet cables.
MDI Sets the port to connect with a PC using a crossover cable (Manual mode—
applies only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper Ethernet
MDIX Sets the port to connect with a PC using a straight-through cable (Manual
mode—applies only to copper port switches using twisted-pair copper Ethernet
Auto-10 Allows the port to negotiate between half-duplex (HDx) and full-duplex (FDx)
while keeping speed at 10Mbps. Also negotiates flow control (enabled or
disabled). ProCurve recommends Auto-10 for links between 10/100 auto-
sensing ports connected with Cat 3 cabling. (Cat 5 cabling is required for 100
Mbps links.)
Auto-100 Uses 100 Mbps and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for other
port operation features.
Auto-10-100 Allows the port to establish a link with the port at the other end at either 10 Mbps
or 100 Mbps, using the highest mutual speed and duplex mode available. Only
these speeds are allowed with this setting.
Auto-1000 Uses 1000 Mbps and negotiates with the port at the other end of the link for
other port operation features.
10HDx Uses 10 Mbps, Half-Duplex
100HDx Uses 100 Mbps, Half-Duplex
10FDX Uses 10 Mbps, Full-Duplex
100FDx Uses 100 Mbps, Full-Duplex
Tables 10-2 and 10-3 display the protocols and modes supported for copper
ports and fiber optic ports, respectively.