Using the Event Log for Troubleshooting Switch Problems
cos Class of Service (CoS): Provides priority handling of packets
traversing the switch, based on the IEEE 802.1p priority carried
by each packet.
CoS messages also include Quality of Service (QoS) events.
The QoS feature classifies and prioritizes traffic throughout a
network, establishing an end-to-end traffic priority policy to
manage available bandwidth and improve throughput of
important data.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
dhcp Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server
configuration: Switch is automatically configured from a
DHCP (Bootp) server, including IP address, subnet mask,
default gateway, Timep Server address, and TFTP server
Management and Configuration Guide
dhcp v6c DHCP for IPv6 prefix assignment IPv6 Management Guide
dhcpr DHCP relay: Forwards client-originated DHCP packets to a
DHCP network server.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
download Download operation for copying a software version or files to
the switch.
Management and Configuration Guide
dma Direct Access Memory (DMA): Transmits and receives
packets between the CPU and the switch.
fault Fault Detection facility, including response policy and the
sensitivity level at which a network problem should generate
an alert.
Management and Configuration Guide
ffi Find, Fix, and Inform: Event or alert log messages indicating a
possible topology loop that cause excessive network activity
and results in the network running slow. FFI messages include
events on transceiver connections with other network
Installation and Getting Started Guide
Management and Configuration Guide
garp Generic Attribute Registration Protocol (GARP), defined in the
IEEE 802.1D-1998 standard.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
gvrp GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP): Manages dynamic
802.1Q VLAN operations, in which the switch creates
temporary VLAN membership on a port to provide a link to
another port in the same VLAN on another device.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
hpesp Management module that maintains communication between
switch ports.
Installation and Getting Started Guide
igmp Internet Group Management Protocol: Reduces unnecessary
bandwidth usage for multicast traffic transmitted from
multimedia applications on a per-port basis.
Advanced Traffic Management Guide
Documented in ProCurve Hardware/
Software guide