Switch Memory and Configuration
Using the Menu and Web Browser Interfaces To Implement Configuration Changes
value will appear in the menu interface display for that parameter. However,
as indicated above, unless you also make a configuration change in the
menu interface, only the
write memory command in the CLI will actually save
the change to the startup-config file.
How To Reset the startup-config and running-config Files to the
Factory Default Configuration. This command reboots the switch,
replacing the contents of the current startup-config and running-config files
with the factory-default startup configuration.
Syntax: erase startup-config
For example:
ProCurve(config)# erase startup-config
Configuration will be deleted and device rebooted, continue [y/n]?
Figure 6-3. Example of erase startup-config Command
[y] to replace the current configuration with the factory default config-
uration and reboot the switch. Press
[n] to retain the current configuration and
prevent a reboot.
Using the Menu and Web Browser
Interfaces To Implement Configuration
The menu and web browser interfaces offer these advantages:
■ Quick, easy menu or window access to a subset of switch configuration
■ Viewing several related configuration parameters in the same screen, with
their default and current settings
■ Immediately changing both the running-config file and the startup-config
file with a single command