
WPMAN0141 (8/31/01)24
Grass cut higher in center of Height of mower higher at front Adjust mower height and atti-
swath than at edge than at rear tude so that mower rear and
front are within 1/2” of same
height. See instructions.
Loose blade Check clamping cup washers.
Replace if flat or not holding.
Grass cut lower in center of Height of mower lower at front Adjust mower height and atti-
swath than at edge than at rear tude so that mower rear and
front are within 1/2” of same
height. See instructions.
Loose blade Check clamping cup washers.
Replace if flat or not holding.
Streaking conditions in swath Conditions too wet for mowing Allow grass to dry before
Blades unable to cut that part Slow ground speed of tractor
of grass pressed down by path but keep engine running at full
of tractor tires PTO rpm. Cutting lower will
help. Adjust tractor tire spacing
if possible.
Dull blades Sharpen or replace blades.
Loose blade Check clamping cup washers.
Replace if flat or not holding.
Material discharges from Material too high and too much R educe ground speed but
mower unevenly; bunches of material maintain 540 rpm at tractor
material along swath PTO, or make two passes over
material. Raise mower for the
first pass and lower to desired
height for the second and cut at
90 degrees to first pass. Raise
rear of mower high enough to
permit material to discharge, but
not so high that conditions listed
above occur.
Grass wet Allow grass to dry before mow-
ing. Slow ground speed of trac-
tor but keep engine running at
full PTO rpm.
Rear of mower too low, trapping Adjust mower height and atti-
material under mower tude. (See instructions.)