9WPMAN0141 (8/31/01)
Safety is a primary concern in the design and
manufacture of our products. Unfortunately, our
efforts to provide safe equipment can be wiped
out by an operator’s single careless act.
In addition to the design and configuration of
equipment, hazard control and accident preven-
tion are dependent upon the awareness, con-
cern, judgement, andproper training of personnel
involved in the oper ation, transport, maintenance
and storage of equipment.
It has been said “The best safety device is an
informed, careful operator.” Weask you to be that
kind of operator.
The operator is responsible for the safe operation of
this mower . The operator must be properly trained.
Operators should be f amiliar with t he mower and
tractor and all safety practices before s tarting opera-
tion. Read the safety information on pages 4 through
This mower is designed for lawn and grass mowing. It
is not designed for rough conditions or heavy weed
mowing. It is equipped with suction type blades for
best results in lawn mowing. Optional blades with less
suction are available for use i n sandy areas.
Recommended mowing speed for most conditions is
J Never allow children or untrained per-
sons to operate equipment.
J Keep bystanders away from equip-
J Never go under ne a t h equipme nt low-
er e d to the ground or ra is e d, unles s it is
properly blocked and secured. Never place
any pa r t of the body under ne a t h equipm e nt
or between moveable parts even when the
engine has been turned off. Hydraulic sys-
tem leak down, hydraulic system failures,
mechanical failures or movement of control
levers can cause equipment to drop or r o-
tate unexpectedly and cause severe injury
or dea t h. Follow Opera tor’ s M a nua l i ns tr uc-
tions for work ing under ne a t h a nd block ing
re quir e m ents , or have work doneby aqua li-
fied dealer .
J Keep all persons away from operator
control area while performing adjust-
ments, service or maintenance.
J Make sure spring-activated locking
pin or collar slides freely and is seated
firmly in tractor PTO spline groove.
J Operate tractor PTO at RPM speed
stated in “Specifications” section.
J Stop tractor and implement immedi-
ately upon striking an obstruction. Turn
off engine, remove key, inspect and repair
any damage before resuming operation.
J Always wear relatively tight and belted
clothing to avoid entanglement in moving
parts. Wear sturdy, rough-soled work
shoes and protective equipment for eyes,
hair, hands, hearing and head.
Tractor Stability (Figure 1)
J A minimum 20 % of tra c t or and equip-
me nt weight mu s t be on tra c t or fr ont wheels
with at ta c hment s i n tra ns por t pos it ion.
Without this weight, tr a c t or could tip over
ca us ing per s ona l injury or d e a th. The
weight may be att a ine d with a loade r, front
whee l weights , ballas t in tir e s or front
tractor weights. W eigh the tractor and
equipment. Do not estimate.
Figure 1. Tractor Stability