4. Fast Sampling
This program makes a quick array measurement and stores the results in the internal
memory of the counter. Then it writes the results to a file called MEAS.DAT. The
measurement results as a function of the samples can be visualized in a spreadsheet
program, such as Excel.
#include “decl.h”
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
main ()
int Counter, Status, i;
char InString[80];
FILE *ofp;
if (ofp = fopen(“MEAS.DAT”, “w”)) {
Counter = ibfind(“DEV10");
/*Clear status*/
ibwrt(Counter, “*CLS”, 4);
/*Enable 1000 measurement with maximum speed*/
ibwrt(Counter, “:TRIG:COUN 1000; :ARM:COUN 1", 28);
ibwrt(Counter, “:INP:LEV:AUTO ONCE; :CAL:INT:AUTO OFF”, 37);
ibwrt(Counter, “:DISP:ENAB OFF; :INT:FORM PACKED”, 32);
ibwrt(Counter, “:ACQ:APER MIN; :AVER:STAT OFF”, 32);
/**Enable SRQ on operation complete**/
ibwrt(Counter, “*ESE 1; *SRE 32", 15);
/*Start measurement*/
ibwrt(Counter, “INIT; *OPC”, 10);
/*Wait for operation complete*/
ibwait(Counter, RQS);
/**Read status and event status register**/
ibrsp(Counter, &Status);
ibwrt(Counter, “*ESR?”, 5);
Programming Examples
4-18 ‘C’ for National Instruments PC-IIA, Fast Sampling