used if the command is only four charac
If the last character in the command is a
digit, then this digit is appended to the
Longform Shortform
The shortform is always printed in CAPI-
TALS in this manual: :MEASure, :NEG-
ative, :DREGister0, :EXTernal4 etc.
Example Language
Small examples are given at various
places in the text. These examples are not
in BASIC or C, nor are they written for
any specific controller. They only contain
the characters you should send to the
counter and the responses that you should
read with the controller.
This means that you should program the
controller so that it addresses the counter
and outputs this string on the GPIB.
This means that you should program the
controller so that it can receive this data
from the GPIB, then address the counter
and read the data.
Setting Up the
Setting the GPIB Address
The address switches on the rear panel of
the counter are set to 10 when it is deliv
ered. The address used is displayed when
the instrument is turned on.
If you want to use another bus address,
you can set these switches to any address
between 0 and 30 as shown in the follow
ing table.
Settings Address
0 00000 16 10000
1 00001 17 10001
2 00010 18 10010
3 00011 19 10011
4 00100 20 10100
5 00101 21 10101
6 00110 22 10110
7 00111 23 10111
8 01000 24 11000
9 01001 25 11001
10 01010 26 11010
11 01011 27 11011
12 01100 28 11100
13 01101 29 11101
14 01110 30 11110
15 01111
1-4 Setting Up the Instrument
Getting Started