Command Reference 9-57
:MEASure :ARRay :<Measuring Function>?80B/81/85
[ 8 (<array size>)[,[<parameters>] [,(<channels>)]]
Make an array of measurements
The :MEASure:ARRay query differs from the :MEASure query in that it performs
the number of measurements you decide in the <array size> and sends all the
measuring results in one string to the controller.
The array size for :MEASure and :CONFigure, and the channels, are expression
data that must be in parentheses ( ).
The :MEASure:ARRay query is a compound query identical to:
:ABORt;:CONFigure:ARRay:<Meas-func> 8 (<array-size>); :READ:ARRay? 8
<array size> sets the number of measurements in the array.
Returned format:
<Measuring result>{[,<measuring result>]}¿
Ten measuring results will be returned.
Type of command:
Aborts all previous measurement commands if not *WAI is used, see page 9-132.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.