9-108 Command Reference
:SYSTem :COMMunicate: GPIB: ADDRess 80B/81/85
8 «<Numeric value>|MAX|MIN» [,«<Numeric value>|MAX|MIN»]
Set GPIB Address
This command sets the GPIB address. This selection overrides the switches on
the rear panel of the counter. The set address is valid until a new address is set,
either by bus command, switch setting, or via the front panel AUX-MENU.
<Numeric value> is a number between 0 and 30.
MIN sets address 0.
MAX sets address 30.
[,<Numeric value>|MAX|MIN] sets a secondary address. This is accepted but not
used in PM6681 and PM6685. PM6680B does not accept a secondary address.
[:SELF] 8 This optional parameter is accepted by PM6681 and PM6685.
PM6680B does not accept [:SELF].
Returned format:> <Numeric value>¿
This example sets the bus address to 12.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:SYSTem :ERRor? PM6680B/81/85
Queries for an ASCii text description of an error that occurred. The error mes-
sages are placed in an error queue, with a FIFO (First In-First Out) structure. This
queue is summarized in the Error AVailable (EAV) bit in the status byte.
Returned format:
<error number>,"<Error Description String>"¿
<Error Description String> = an error description as ASCii text.
See also: Chapter 8, error messages.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.