Command Errors
Error Description Description/Explanation/Examples
Invalid expression
The expression data element was invalid (see
IEEE-488.2,; for example, unmatched pa
rentheses or an illegal character were used.
Invalid expression
data; bad mnemonic
A mnemonic data element in the expression was not
Invalid expression
data; illegal element
The expression contained a hexadecimal element
not permitted in expressions.
Invalid expression
data; unexpected
end of message
End of message occurred before the closing paren
Invalid expression
data; unrecognized
expression type
The expression could not be recognized as either a
mathematical expression, a data element list or a
channel list.
Expression data not
A legal expression data was encountered but was
not allowed by the counter at this point in parsing.
Macro error This error as well as errors –181 through –189 is
generated when defining a macro or executing a
macro. This particular error message is used when
the counter cannot detect a more specific error.
Invalid outside
macro definition
Indicates that a macro parameter placeholder
($<number) was encountered outside of a macro
Invalid inside macro
Indicates that the program message unit sequence,
sent with a ∗DDT or ∗DMC command, is syntacti
cally invalid (see IEEE-
Macro parameter
Indicates that a command inside the macro defini
tion had the wrong number or type of parameters.
Macro parameter
error; unused pa
The parameter numbers given are not continuous;
one or more numbers have been skipped.
Macro parameter er
ror; badly formed
The’$’ sign was not followed by a single digit be
tween 1 and 9.
Macro parameter
error; parameter
count mismatch
The macro was invoked with a different number of
parameters than used in the definition.
Error Messages
8-6 Error Code -171 to -184