Listener Function, L4
The counter can receive programming in
structions from the controller. L4 means
that it has the following functions:
Basic listener.
No listen only.
Automatic un-addressing as listener when
addressed as a talker.
Service Request, SR1
The counter can call for attention from
the controller, e.g., when a measurement
is completed and a result is available.
Remote/Local, RL1
You can control the counter manually (lo-
cally) from the front panel or remotely
from the controller. The LLO, lo-
cal-lock-out function, can disable the LO
CAL button on the front panel.
Parallel Poll, PP0
The counter does not have any parallel
poll facility.
Device Clear, DC1
The controller can reset the counter via
interface message DCL (Device clear) or
SDC (Selective Device Clear).
Device Trigger, DT1
You can start a new measurement from
the controller via interface message GET
(Group Execute Trigger).
Bus Drivers, E2
The GPIB interface has tri-state bus driv-
1-6 Interface Functions
Getting Started