Finding Your Way Through This Manual
You should use this Programming
Manual together with the
PM6680B/1/5 Operators Manual.
That manual contains specifications
for the counter and explanations of
the possibilities and limitations of the
different measuring functions.
The chapters in this manual are di
vided into three sections aimed at dif
ferent levels of reader knowledge.
The ‘General’ Section, which can be
disregarded by the users who know
the IEEE-488 and SCPI standards:
– Chapter 2 Bus Commands for the
Benchtop User gives bus com-
mands for the front panel keys.
– Chapter 3 Introduction to SCPI
explains syntax data formats, sta-
tus reporting, etc.
The Practical Section of this manual
Chapter 4, Programming Exam
ples, with examples of typical pro
grams for a wide variety of appli
cations. These programs are writ
ten in GW-basic and C.
The ‘Programmers Reference’ Sec
tion of this manual contains:
Chapter 5, Instrument Model ex
plains how the instrument looks
from the bus. This instrument is
not quite the same as the one used
from the front panel.
Chapter 6 Using the Subsystems
explains more about each subsys
– Chapter 7, How to Measure Fast
is a set of measuring situations
which the user is often confronted
with when programming a counter.
This chapter also contains infor-
mation about how to use the more
complex subsystem.
– Chapter 8, Error Messages con-
tains a list of all error messages
that can be generated during bus
Chapter 9, Command Reference,
This chapter gives complete infor
mation on all commands. The sub
systems and commands are sorted
You can also use the index to get an
overview of the commands. The in
dex is also useful when looking for
additional information on the com
mand you are currently working with.
Getting Started