Command Reference 9-47
:INPut«[1]|2» :IMPedancePM6680B/81/85
8 «<Decimal data>|MAX|MIN»
Input Impedance
The impedance can be set to 50 W or1MW.
MIN or <Decimal data> that rounds off to 50 or less, sets the input impedance to 50
MAX or <Decimal data> that rounds off to 1001 or more, sets the impedance to 1 MW.
Returned format:
Example for Input A (1)
Sets the input A impedance to 50 W.
Example for Input B (2) (Only for PM6680B/81)
SEND® :INP2:IMP 8 50
Sets the input B impedance to 50 W.
*RST condition 1MW
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:INPut«[1]|2» :LEVelPM6680B PM6681
8 «<Decimal data>|MAX|MIN»
Fixed Trigger Level
Input A and input B can be individually set to autotrigger or to fixed trigger levels of
between –5 V and +5 V in steps of 0.02 V (1.25mV for PM6681). If the attenuator
is set to 10X, the range is –50 V and +50 V in 0.2 V(12.5mV steps).
For autotrigger, see the following page.
Parameters: <Decimal data> is a number between –5 V and +5 V if att=1X and between
–50 V and +50 V if att=10X.
MAX gives +50 V and MIN gives –50 V
When using MAX and MIN as data, the counter always tries to set the trigger level to
+50 V and –50 V. If the attenuator is set to 1X, it is impossible to set this trigger level,
and the counter will return an error message.
Returned format:
<Decimal data>¿
Example for Input A (1)
SEND® :INP:LEV 8 0.01
Example for Input B (2)
SEND® :INP2:LEV 8 2.0
*RST condition 0 (but controlled by Autotrigger since AUTO is on after *RST)