9-82 Command Reference
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:READ? PM6680B/81/85
Read one Result
The read function performs new measurements and reads out a measuring result
without reprogramming the counter. Using the :READ? query in conjunction with
the :CONFigure command gives you a measure capability where you can fine tune
the measurement.
If the counter is set up to do an array of measurements, :READ? makes all the
measurements in the array, stores the results in the output buffer, and fetches the
first measuring result. Use FETCh? to fetch other measuring results from the out
put buffer. The :READ? query is identical to :ABORt;:INITiate;:FETCh?
Returned format: <data>¿
The format of the returned data is determined by the format commands :FORMat
and FORMat:FIXed.
This example configures the counter to make a standard frequency measurement
with the 100 kHz filter on. The counter is triggered, and data from the measure
ment are read out with the :READ? query.
This makes a new measurement and fetches the result without changing the pro-
gramming of the counter.
Type of command: Aborts all previous measurement commands if *WAI is not used.