9-34 Command Reference
:FETCh? PM6680B/81/85
Fetch One Result
The fetch query retrieves one measuring result from the measurement result buffer
of the counter without making new measurements. Fetch does not work unless a
measurement has been made by the :INITiate, :MEASure?,or:READ? com
If the counter has made an array of measurements, :FETCh? fetches the first
measuring results first. The second :FETCh? fetches the second result and so on.
When the last measuring result has been fetched, fetch starts over again with the
first result.
The same measuring result can be fetched again and again, as long as the result
is valid, i.e., until the following occurs:
*RST is received.
an :INITiate, 8 :MEASure or :READ command is executed
any reconfiguration is done.
an acquisition of a new reading is started.
If the measuring result in the output buffer is invalid but a new measurement has
been started, the fetch query completes when a new measuring result becomes
valid. If no new measurement has been started, an error is returned.
Where the optional :SCALar means that one result is retrieved.
Returned format: <data>¿
The format of the returned data is determined by the format commands :FORMat
and :FORMat:FIXed.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.