CNT-8X Device specific errors (leading 1 only for PM6681)
Error Description description/explanation/examples
Bad math expres
sion format
Only a fixed, specific math expression is recognized
by the counter, and this was not it.
Measurement bro
ken off
A new bus command caused a running measure
ment to be broken off.
Instrument set to
An internal setting inconsistency caused the instru
ment to go to default setting.
Error during calibra
An error has occurred during calibration of the in
Hysteresis calibra
tion failed
The input hysteresis values found by the calibration
routine was out of range. Did you remember to re
move the input signal?
Message exchange
An error occurred in the message exchange handler
(generic error).
Reset during bus in-
The instrument was waiting for more bus input, but
the waiting was broken by the operator.
Reset during bus
The instrument was waiting for more bus output to be
read, but the waiting was broken by the operator.
Bad message ex-
change control state
An internal error in the message exchange handler.
Unexpected reason
for GPIB interrupt
A spurious GPIB interrupt occurred, not conforming
to any valid reason like an incoming byte, address
change, etc.
No listener on bus
when trying to re
This error is generated when the counter is an ac
tive talker, and tries to send a byte on the bus, but
there are no active listeners.
(This may occur if the controller issues the device
talker address before its own listener address, which
some PC controller cards has been known to do)
Mnemonic table er
An abnormal condition occurred in connection with
the mnemonics tables (generic error).
Wrong macro table
checksum found
The macro definitions have been corrupted (could
be loss of memory).
Wrong hash table
checksum found
The hash table has been corrupted. Could be bad
memory chips or address logic. Contact your local
service center.
RAM failure to hold
information (hash
The memory did not retain information written to it.
Could be bad memory chips or address logic. Con
tact your local service center.
Error Messages
8-14 Error Code (1)150 to -(1)213