6. Statistics
(Only for PM6680B and PM6681)
In this example, the counter makes 10000 measurements and uses the statistical func
tions to determine MAX, MIN, MEAN, and Standard Deviation. All four results are
sent to the controller.
#include “decl.h”
#include <stdio.h>
#include <process.h>
main ()
int Counter, Status, i;
char InString[80];
Counter = ibfind(“DEV10");
ibwrt(Counter, “*CLS; *SRE 16", 13);
ibwrt(Counter, “*RST; :FUNC ‘Freq 1’; :ACQ:APER MIN”, 38);
ibwrt(Counter, “:INP:LEV:AUTO OFF”, 17);
/*Enable statistics on 10000 measurements*/
ibwrt(Counter, “:CALC:AVER:STAT ON; COUN 10000", 30);
ibwrt(Counter, “:TRIG:COUN 10000", 16);
/*Start measurement*/
ibwrt(Counter, “:Init; *OPC?”, 12);
/*Wait for operation complete (MAV)*/
printf(“Waiting for measurement to get ready\n”);
ibwait(Counter, RQS);
/**Read status and response**/
ibrsp(Counter, &Status);
ibrd(Counter, InString, 80);
/*Read maximum value**/
ibwrt(Counter, “:CALC:AVER:TYPE MAX; :CALC:IMM?”, 31);
ibrd(Counter, InString, 80);
InString[ibcnt] = ‘\0’;
printf(“Maximum = %s\n”, InString);
Programming Examples
4-20 ‘C’ for National Instruments PC-IIA, Statistics