Standard Event Status Register
Bit 7 (weight 128) — Power-on (PON)
Shows that the counter’s power supply has
been turned off and on (since the last time
the controller read or cleared this register).
Bit 6 (weight 64)—User Request (URQ)
Shows that the user has pressed a key on
the front panel of CNT-8X (except LO-
CAL/PRESET). The URQ bit will be set
regardless of the remote local state of the
counter. The purpose of this signal is, for
example, to call for the attention of the
controller by generating a service request.
Bit 5 (weight 32) — Command Error
Shows that the instrument has detected a
command error. This means that it has re
ceived data that violates the syntax rules
for program messages.
Bit 4 (weight 16) — Execution Error
Shows that the counter detected an error
while trying to execute a command. (See
‘Error reporting’ on page 3-17.) The
command is syntactically correct, but the
counter cannot execute it, for example
because a parameter is out of range.
Bit 3 (weight 8) — Device-dependent
Error (DDE)
A device-dependent error is any device
operation that did not execute properly
because of some internal condition, for
instance error queue overflow. This bit
shows that the error was not a command,
query or execution error.
Bit 2 (weight 4) — Query Error (QYE)
The output queue control detects query er
rors. For example the QYE bit shows the
unterminated, interrupted, and deadlock
conditions. For more details, see ‘Error re
porting’ on page 3-17.
Bit 1 (weight 2)—Request Control (RQC)
Shows the controller that the device
wants to become the active control-
ler-in-charge. Not used in the CNT-8X.
Bit 0 (weight 1) — Operation Complete
The counter only sets this bit TRUE in re-
sponse to the operation complete com-
mand (*OPC). It shows that the counter
has completed all previously started ac
Summary, Standard Event
Status Reporting
*ESE <bit mask>
Enable reporting of Standard Event Sta
tus in the status byte.
*SRE 32
Enable SRQ when the Standard Event
structure has something to report.
Using the Subsystems
Status Subsystem 6-21
Figure 6-9 Bits in the standard event
status register