9-42 Command Reference
:INITiate PM6680B/81/85
Initiate Measurement
The :INITiate command initiates a measurement. Executing an :INITiate com
mand changes the counter’s trigger subsystem state from “idle-state” to
“wait-for-bus-arm-state” (see Figure 6-15). The trigger subsystem will continue to
the other states, depending on programming. With the *RST setting, the trigger
subsystem will bypass all its states and make a measurement, then return to idle
state. See also ‘How to use the Trigger Subsystem’ at the end of this chapter.
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.
:INITiate :CONTinuous PM6680B/81/85
8 <Boolean>
Continuously Initiated
The trigger system could continuously be initiated with this command. When Con-
tinuous is OFF, the trigger system remains in the “idle-state” until Continuous is set
to ON or the :INITiate is received. When Continuous is set to ON, the comple
tion of a measurement cycle immediately starts a new trigger cycle without enter
ing the “idle-state”, i.e., the counter is continuously measuring and storing re
sponse data.
Returned format: <Boolean>¿
*RST condition: OFF
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.