Command Errors
Error Description Description/Explanation/Examples
Invalid character in
An invalid character for the data type being parsed
was encountered; for example, an alpha in a deci
mal numeric or a “0" in octal data.
Exponent too large The magnitude of the exponent was larger than
32000 (see IEEE-488.2,
Too many digits The mantissa of a decimal numeric data element con
tained more than 255 digits excluding leading zeros
(see IEEE-488.2,
Numeric data not al
A legal numeric data element was received, but the
counter does not accept it in this position for the
Suffix error This error as well as errors –131 through –139 is
generated when parsing a suffix. This particular er-
ror message is used when the counter cannot detect
a more specific error.
Invalid suffix The suffix does not follow the syntax described in
IEEE-488.2,, or the suffix is inappropriate for
this counter.
Suffix too long The suffix contained more than 12 characters (see
Suffix not allowed A suffix was encountered after a numeric element
that does not allow suffixes.
Character data error This error as well as errors 141 through –149 is gener
ated when parsing a character data element. This par
ticular error message is used when the counter cannot
detect a more specific error.
Invalid character
Either the character data element contains an invalid
character or the particular element received is not
valid for the header.
Character data too
The character data element contains more than 12
characters (see IEEE-488.2,
Character data not
A legal character data element was encountered
where prohibited by the counter.
String data error This error as well as errors –151 through –159 is gen
erated when parsing a string data element. This partic
ular error message is used when the counter cannot
detect a more specific error.
Error Messages
8-4 Error Code -121 to -150